Sunday, April 24, 2011

As Long As I Have You

The mystery and the pleasure. I do love it so.
Medium: Acrylic, photo collage, rendered photo, KNewart '11

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unafraid of Solitary Pain

Been a long long time. I pulled back on doing art shows a while back. Many many changes in my life, caused a bit of a hermit phase. Seems quite often the easiest thing to do is to give in to the darkness and do nothing. But nothing from nothing leaves nothing, so here I go again. I hooked up with a wild art group called 'Impulse'. They've chosen five of my pieces for their May event (stay tuned for more details). So I guess I still got it. This is the first piece they chose. I've had this in storage for a couple of years, so it's gonna be very interesting unwraping it, as it was an emotional jouney creating this one. It represents that alone but surrounded feeling that sometimes overwhelms me.

Medium: Acrylic, latex paint, mixed media (old phone parts, string, wire) on wood. 60" x 48" KNewart '06

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old KNewart - Existence

Reminiscing. Looking at this piece hanging on my wall. Existence. Existence indeed. Feeling very anxious, excited, nervous, elated, lonely, crowded, proud, disappointed, happy, sad, up, down and all around. Nerves firing likes ballistic missiles. Thinking about the future, the job, the girl, the life. Alive and existing.

Medium: Acrylic paint, electronic parts (vcr, phone), wire on heavy wood. 46" x 36" KNewart '05

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Methinks I've hit upon a novel idea here. As you faithful readers know, I am nothing if not (thankfully) prolific. Lately, one of my many KNewart projects is "mashing" up diverse pieces of my art. Of course with varying, sometimes frustrating results, but who cares, the fun is in the doing. Over the years I've drawn/painted several pieces based on music icons that keep me inspired. So why not combine my abstract mixed media collage art and images of the genius' that keep me rockin and especially rollin. "Have you ever been experienced? Well I have."

Medium: Acrylic paint, photo, mixed media collage, KNewart '11

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sympathy in Blue

"I spent a lot of my time looking at blue,
the color of my room and my mood,
Blue on the walls, blue out of my mouth,
The sort of blue between clouds when the sun comes out,
The sort of blue in those eyes you get hung up about."

Medium: Pencil on blue paper, 8.5" x 11" KNewart '11

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Entering Discovery

Continuing the series of emotional mashups. Styles and thoughts colliding. Very much me at this time on the mortal coil.

MEDIUM: Acrylic paint, photos, mixed media collage, KNewart '11

I Want Your Pain

I gotta get over this hero thing. At least I should save myself first. But every now and then someone comes along and this overwhelming desire to kick in the door of their pain and gun it down like a killer desease overtakes me. As usual though I never have the right ammo. I gotta get over this hero thing.

Medium: Acrlic paint, photo collage, graphics on board. KNewart '11