Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tell Me The Truth.

Not really. Okay, maybe. But be nice. Then again, if your nice, will that be the truth. And is that (the truth) what I really want anyway?
Um, back to the art. As previously stated (see blog entry below for more insight), this is a detailed photo of my collage art, made up of whatever I can find that fits the puzzle(s). For years I did large abstract construction art (oh to have a warehouse studio to really go art gaga once again!), but space being a premium these days, I've turned the same energy into these smaller yet still in that hands on destruction reconstruction that I do love to do.

"Tell Me The Truth"; Medium: Photos, film, circuit board piece, mesh, acrylic paint on board. Approx. 8" x 7", KNewart '08

Have You Ever Wanted to be Someone Else?

Is it a wonderful life? I've done several of these (for the lack of a better word) existential pieces. Being that these are collage art made up of several different mediums (see below for details) I guess they help me to somewhat answer the unanswerable questions of this ever bizarre life. The process of painting, cutting, breaking, ripping, tearing, (and finaly getting out of the way of thinking) helps saves on therapy bills.

"Have you ever wanted to be someone else?" Medium: Toys, string, photos, acrylic paint on board. 8" x 7' approx. KNewart '08

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Hook

John Lee Hooker - American blues legend. "Boom boom boom boom, I'm gonna shoot you right down, right offa your feet. Take you home with me, put you in my house. Boom boom boom boom." Somehow John, my aim hasn't been that true. Been feeling black and bluer than usual lately, which has prompted a revisit to the music of the blues. Hooker, Howlin, Muddy, Billie, Louis and many others are the soundtrack of my life these days. This piece was done several years ago, when I was selling many paintings of this style. Although the original is hanging at a law firm in Century City (thank you very much), prints of 'The Hook' and many others are available at

MEDIUM: Watercolor on paper, 50" x 40" (original)

KNewlines - Black Hearts

Black IS the color of my true loves heart.

Medium: Graphic rendering of hand pencil drawings.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

R U Glad 2 B in AmeriKKKa?

Ah yes, my angry young man period. Working out my feelings. Sometimes reading about Malcom X and Nat Turner can be very inspiring to a descendent of slaves, ya know? So instead of lynching white folks, I painted. While I haven't viewed this piece in a long while, years in fact (and do forgive the photo quality, it's all that I have), my first thought is what the hell!? Somebody explain this painting to me.

Oil on canvas, 48" x 24", sold.

Monday, March 14, 2011

KNewlines- Sundancers

See that golden hue burning in the west. My dreams are with that color. My dreams are the sun.

Medium: Hand drawn 'KNewlines' on models, manipulated photograph.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Michelangelo and Me - Rebellious Slave and The Victory

My best days always involve a pencil. I have a book of sculptures by the needless to mention genius Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (maybe I need a few more middle names to be as great). So anyhoo, I did these drawings during free moments at work. My muses (thank their little hearts never let me rest).
Medium: pencil on blue construction paper (8.5" x 11"), hand drawn from original Michangelo sculptures:
'Rebellious Slave' (ca. 1513-1516) and The Victory (ca. 1532- 1534)