Saturday, February 26, 2011

KNewlines Red- Blood Love Torsos

I associate love with Red, the color of my heart when she's dead, Red in my mind when the jealousy flies, Red in my eyes from my emotional ties, Manipulation, the danger signs. Thanks, Kate, Love Quick, Boy

Medium: Rendered hand drawn line art on manipulated photo.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

KNewlines - The Back of Love

KNewlines. Arching, curvy, wavy eclectic tendriled lines. The results of my creatively mental art factory. These "lines" (click image for greater detail) just come to me. I sit. I draw. Luckily the human torso, being the perfect canvas offers infinite possibilities...

Knewlines - Armed Forces

This time, instead of hiring a model, I just used myself...what?